Monday, March 28, 2011

Blog Entry #4.7 - Image Reaserch (A)

Blog Entry #4.6

1. Name of Notable Person:

Mobuto sese seko.

2. Web Addresses of all Sources (copy and paste)

3. Biographical Information

a. Date of Birth and Death

14 October 1930 is when he was born, he died 7 September 1997(aged 66).

b. Place of Birth and Death (or current residence):

Lisala, Belgian Congo was where he was born.Rabat, Mor. is where he died

c. Family (e.g. parents, siblings, spouse, children)

Marie-Antoinette Mobutu(Deceased)
Bobi Ladawa are his spouses. he was married twice.

d. Education

he was sent to a catholic bording school

e. Occupation

president of zaire.

4. Two-three Quotes (either about the person of from the person)

"No man is a caricature, no individual can alone bear responibilty for a nation's collapse.Wisdom comes at 60 ... It is time to let go little by little."

5. Significant contribution(s) to World History

He was the president of zaire during his time.

6. Ten terms related to the person

president, brave, courage, powerful, smart, catholic, military, wisdom, loving, responsible

7. Timeline of at least five important dates in the person’s life

october 14 born. 1965 november 24 became president. he was president unti may 16 1997. 1967 marked the debut of the popular movement of the revolution. he died september 7 1997.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog Entry #4.5 - Design Brief (A)

1. I am going to design and make a cereal box honoring a person from world history. I will illustrate the cereal box with facts and things dealing with the historical person.

2. I am going to design and make a box that will describe who the historical person is and what did he do during his time and how is he important to world history. It should be able to describe who he is and a better understanding of the person.

3. I am going to design and make a cereal box that will be towards the age of kids and adults. The gender will e both male and female. The persons income will be anybody from poor to rich. The taste will be a fruity delightful mix of fruits and nutrition. The views will be good because the person is positive and a good person.The attitudes will be fine. The geography will be Africa. The lifestyle of those i want to reach are all people who can afford the cereal boxes to realize who this historical person is.

To sum it all up i will design and make a cereal box to show what did the person do in his lifetime and what did he contribute to the world and and others around him in his lifetime. I will also design the box with details on him and facts on this person. the box will be created to inform others on him.

4. The successful and important elements/factors that define a successful product is a product that had a lot of time put into it. Also a product that can be looked at and have a great understand of the person that i am trying to inform others about. It will look like a box with the person on the front and provide details on the sides about the person and stuff like what did he do and contribute to the world.

5. The things not to do is rush the box and styles that are ugly and does not look like. I do not want to see messed up details and scattered ideas around the cereal box.

To sum it all up i will create a cereal box to inform others who this person was. I will show what did he do and give details on this person. I will also give facts on what did he do in his lifetime. I will show people why he is important to world history and his accomplishments.

Blog Entry #4.4 - Plan (C)

For this Task i will have to design a cereal box to honor a person from world history. I am going to make the front the back the sides the bottom and the top to illustrate facts and details on this person. The required time i will need is about a hour of class time to create the cereal box. How it will look and the sizes. then it will take another hour to find the research and the details of the person.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Entry #4.3 - Adult cereal Box (A)

1. The way the designer has targeting adults with the cereal box is that it is goo for your heart.
2. The gender is males and females. The element that led to the conclusion is that both men and women eat this cereal.
3. THe advertising slogan is healthy. They use this word for the slogan

Blog Entry #4.2 - children cereal box (A)

4. this cereal is tasty. This is one way it targets kids because kids like tasty things. Also it can help lower cholesterol. This is one way it targets kids because it helps that kids that care about there cholesterol.
5. The gender is both Boy and Girl. The elements that led me to this conclusion is that all sorts of kids eat this cereal.
6. The advertising slogan is Toasted whole grain oat cereal.

Blog Entry #4.1 - Design Task (A)

The task that i must follow is to design a cereal box. I have to give details on the assigned person. I will create a cereal box with a slogan and information about Mobutu Sese Seko.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Entry # 3.7 - Image Research (A)

Blog Entry #3.6 - Country Reaserch (A)

Name of Country: Malawi
Web Addresses of all Sources
Basic Facts: The name Malawi comes from the Maravi, an old name of the Nyanja people that first inhabited the area.
Capital City: Lilongwe
Population: 866,272
Monetary Unit/Currency: Malawain Kwacha
Official Language(s): English (official), Chechewa (official), Chitumbuka (in the north), others
Current Leader
Name and Photo: President Bingu Mutharika
Map of Country:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Entry #3.5 - Design Breif (A)

I am going to design and make a poster of Malawi with information about this place and display photos of this Country. The information should be able to describe the interesting attractions of this destination and give details of the landscape and the origin and the culture of this place. The photos will display the interesting places of Malawi and show how fun the places are and attract tourist to this destination.

The age are any ages from kids to elders. The gender is male and female. The income is to middle class people you dont have to be rich and you cant be poor to visit Malawi. The taste is good it is a very nice place. The place in my view is a awesome place to visit. The attitude is good. The place is located in Africa.

The important elements that define a successful product is a nice looking poster with breif details sharing how the lifestyle, culture, and the way people live thier. Also good photos of the places that attract tourist the most. I will not like to see ugly designs and not so good details of Malawi because it will bring me a bad grade and i will like to pass with a 7 or higher. :)

basically i am going to make a poster that shows the greatness of Malawi. Also a poster that gives good details. I will also like to give good details and i will show the places that will bring and attract tourist to this specific location.

Blog Entry #3.4 - Process Journal 1 (C)

The steps that i will need to complete my Country poster is to choose pictures of Malawi. Find information on the country. Give details, show attractions and post the pictures and the information of the country on the Poster to show what it is about and what kind of stuff do they have in Malawi and things that will attract tourist to this country. The materials i will need is Adobe Illustrator and Adobe photoshop. The resources i will need is websites that give information on Malawi and show attractions and special monuments and historical things that are in Malawi. Also websites that show pictures of the Country to show how beautiful the Country is and what kind of things and attractions they have that may interest the tourist that are viewing this country and trying to visit this country.

Blog Entry #3.3 - Poster Research (A)

The thing that stood out and attracted me the most about this poster is the helicopter and the view. I like this picture more than the rest of them. The type of tourist that is being targeted by this poster is people who like helicopter rides and people who want to see a better view of the country. The information that the poster provides to potential tourist is a mesmerable and amazing trip that you can not afford to miss. This is an experience you will never forget.

Blog Entry #3.2 - Dream destination (A)

The City/Coyntry I would like to visit is Called Cyprus.

The reason why I am so interested in visiting this country is because of the historical background, also because it looks so beautiful and it has a lot of meaning. This was a rare land back in B.C when turks tried to claim it and Romans and british people fought to earn this landscape. I would like to see the city during my visit. I would like to learn about the historical background and the culture of Cyprus.

Blog Entry #3.1 - Design Task (A)

To complete my Design Task i am going to create a poster of Malawi and post pictures of it and give descriptions and information about the country Malawi. I will use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to complete this project that i have been assigned. I will give brief details in the poster to show how the country look, how they are like what kind of attractions do they have and how the country is like.