Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog Entry #3.5 - Design Breif (A)

I am going to design and make a poster of Malawi with information about this place and display photos of this Country. The information should be able to describe the interesting attractions of this destination and give details of the landscape and the origin and the culture of this place. The photos will display the interesting places of Malawi and show how fun the places are and attract tourist to this destination.

The age are any ages from kids to elders. The gender is male and female. The income is to middle class people you dont have to be rich and you cant be poor to visit Malawi. The taste is good it is a very nice place. The place in my view is a awesome place to visit. The attitude is good. The place is located in Africa.

The important elements that define a successful product is a nice looking poster with breif details sharing how the lifestyle, culture, and the way people live thier. Also good photos of the places that attract tourist the most. I will not like to see ugly designs and not so good details of Malawi because it will bring me a bad grade and i will like to pass with a 7 or higher. :)

basically i am going to make a poster that shows the greatness of Malawi. Also a poster that gives good details. I will also like to give good details and i will show the places that will bring and attract tourist to this specific location.

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